The sticks and leaves are nomads. Floating and ubiquitous. They roam the city, surrendering to the will of the wind, landing on sidewalks and squares. They lead their erratic lives bravely, no matter what the circumstances.
The changes in my places of life stop surprising me. I inevitably walk between new spaces and addresses. I tame them over and over again when the changing seasons pass in my veins. My fingers are unsuccessfully looking for ground in the fertile soil to take root.
When I touch particles of people and plants, I am surprised by the common tendency to create fragile forms of survival. In a repetitive cycle of constant changes, dispersing into a multitude of diverse states, unpredictability becomes the norm. Meeting among the intertwined fortunes, what is ordinary, is out of control. And the combination of tissue unstable and surprisingly resilient at the same time, nomadically forms a network of such strong connections.
The project was realized during a month’s residency in Forma Otwarta in Olesnica in cooperation with the Art House Foundation, in June 2022. It combines creating a constantly changing window installation, workshops, and public presentation of the art process.